Word of Warning: Part 2

The NME is a mini-version of this. Candidates were pointedly asked before the last election if they 'Do anything apart from politics?'
Everyone (including me) responded 'Oh yes!! Of course, I'm a really interesting outgoing person' Well, that used to be true.
Costwise it wasn't too bad, but candidates should expect to spend £2500 on travel, accomodation and extras. Timewise though, it's a complete disaster. If you're doing the job properly expect to work 40 hours+ in the busy weeks and at least 20 at other times (not great if you have exams or a busy job)
I'm lucky in that my job is contracted for 37 1/2 hours and travel time to and from work is short. Also, I get lots of holidays to use. Unlike my opponents I don't have the pressures of a job that demands added extras all the time, but if you're standing this year, bear in mind the nature of the job.
It's hard work, but it is worth it. This organisation desperately needs a strong youth wing to recruit and train the next generation of activists and help it win back the regions. If you want to join the campaign to radically change CF, email me.
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