The Change Agenda: Read my lips -"No events"

Seven people to run a national organisation, a ridiculously small number. If the NME were to take full advantage of all its co-options it could swell to a mighty nine people plus the chairman - or, put another way, the same membership as the CF in Salford Uni when I was there.
It strikes me that if ten people were expected to run an entire national organisation, it might be wise to focus on certain core tasks, to reassess what is possible and what is most useful.
This year's exec has focussed on events from the start, (our only co-option was for a second events organiser) but Nick's legacy would perhaps better be served by the other key idea to emerge from this year's exec - Regionalisation.
Running events is time consuming and difficult business. It is easier when events are organised close to home - hence the emergence of the London clique.
On this basis, there is no good reason why the NME should spend its time organising social events. Branch Chairmen should rightly cater for the social needs of their members and invite other nearby branches to join them where possible. Area Chairmen should do likewise, but for the bigger events, and also aim for some coordination of events across an area. If elected, I will insist that we start appointing regional coordinators as the constitution allows to allow regions to take on a unique identity and start thinking big.
CF needs more events - and there is no point in the NME doing it all themselves. Rather, a concerted effort to move the emphasis from centre to the regions is needed. This will involve removing the idea of the NME doing social events.
For National events, such as training days and conference, any NME I chair will be asking Areas or regions to host the social elements. This will not only give people good experience of hosting events and taking responsibility, but it will also allow regions other than London and the South East to raise their profile.
Campaign Pledges -
- Regional Coordinators, each accountable to a member of the exec, appointed to provide support to Chairmen and Region and to ensure needs in the regions are fed back to NME
- More events - coordinated on a regional basis, with better publication
- Training - on how to throw better events and fundraise
- Building up Regions - asking branches, areas and regions to contribute as a key element of the national organisation not a add-on.
- Constitutional Change - The NME should be expanded to reflect the scale of the task. A constitutional amendment will be submitted to the board to this effect.
This is excellent stuff - I keep muttering to friends that the NME need to stop acting like a CF Branch and start acting like an executive.
Good work, Andy.
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