Conservatives In Touch

Looking at the stats of who is visiting the page - Conservatives In seems to be sending the most traffic my way.
Scary really, CIT is the Mr Hyde version of, a way to put members in touch, but unlike ConHome, there are no reasoned debates, or discussions on road pricing policy. Rather it's all gloves off pugilistic stuff.
Unfortunately, as anyone who reads that forum will know, a CF forum is out of the question (for a start we would find it difficult to pay the resulting legal fees). However, CF Net our regional internet project has proved a step in the right direction in allowing a greater degree of interactive communication. When it launches in the next couple of weeks members will be able to see who represents them locally, get local news and comment on what's going on.
In additon, if elected, I'll start an NME blog to keep members up to date on what's going on, and members of the NME will be able to post as much or as little as they want regarding their work. Members can then post comments and contact the members directly on specific issues.
Hi Andy,
To say there are no reasoned debates on Consevatives In Touch is quite wrong, the sites many active users are constantly engaging in debate about policy issues.
As for "gloves off pugilistic stuff", while the forum is one of free speech, the site is moderated so inappropriate posts are removed.
Without a official CF forum, this is as good as any, and you above all with know the importance of utilising all types of new media communication to interact with members.
Good point, a forum would be fantastic, but from experience, the anonymity of forums allows people to attack people in those bitter but unimportant student politics battles.
I'm glad that CinT has reformed, but I was a member when it was an open forum. It went private due to threats of lawsuits due to the fantastically nasty stuff that was put on there about people.
Would love to judge for myself but I'm not a member. Sorry.
Thanks for the post.
Hi Andrew,
Am one of the CIT site admins.
Three new moderators have recently been appointed, Mr. Downie being one of them, so changes are indeed afoot.
One only needs to register on the site, which is fully publicly accessible. Then, once this is done, CF members are granted access to the private forum area.
Hope to see you on there.
In that case, Mr Piano, I am happy to take it all back.
Will sign up today.
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