The difference

A quick flick through the manifestoes will reveal numerous schemes for the year ahead. This is understandable, simple goals appear to be progress. This year it was events, the exec came to the conclusion that if only we worked really hard and organised lots of events then we would have succeeded, we even co-opted another member to organise them.
This election the schemes include targetted campaigns, membership drives or NUS.
However, whoever takes charge next year will be the person in charge of CF in every part of England, Wales and NI and for every task for which CF has responsibility. Whilst pursuing one or more of these goals obsessively may bring short term gains, the problem will remain the same, that the NME consists of seven people (ten at most) and a centralised model will entrench the slow decline we are now seeing in CF.

Success in the regions will involve the establishment of a regional identity and cooperation on a regional basis. Achieving the critical mass for taking on larger projects in every region must be the aim of this nine months.
Make no mistake, as a national organisation CF is failing - most of you will appreciate this already - but there is huge potential in our members and it is possible to set in place the means for future success.
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